Frequently Asked Questions

When would be more weeks available to book in the calendar?
Our calendar allows our users to make reservations maximum two months in advance. That's why on Mondays each week unlocks a new one, coinciding with the day which falls on Monday of next week to release.
What is the difference between Experiment Nr.5 and Ninth Passage?
They are independent games, with different tests and puzzles.

- Experiment nr 5 - Medium difficulty: If you guys never have played in Parapark, this is the level you should start to play. Is perfect to learn the game system. 

- Ninth passage - Medium-High difficulty: If you have played the first level you should play this one. Here nothing is what it seems. And you should have to be smarter :)

We are a group of more than 5 people. Can we play together in a session?
No. We have a limit to 5 people per session because the game is designed like this, and also because of physical space and number of tests we can not accept more people per session than 5.

If you guys are more than 5 people, you should make two teams and you have two options:
1.- Play all of you at the same time, each team in each level.
2.- Play all of you to the same level. First of all will play one of the teams, and when they finish the will play the other team.
Is it possible to extend the voucher expiry date?
Unfortunately the expiration date cannot be extended, so please mind that you have 2 months for booking and this includes as well any session in the future. So only the reservation has to made within 2 months.
I have a reservation, but I cannot come in the time I booked. What can I do?

If you haven't payed the reservation yet, please just cancel the booking as soon as you know that you are not able to come so the time can be freed for other groups.

If you already payed the session, but you inform us through email or telephone 3 days before the date of your game, we can change your session date.

If someone had a payed reservation but had not shown up on the time, neither notified us 3 days in advance unfortunately would lose the reservation.

I want to visit Parapark and go sightseeing in the Malasaña neighborhood. Is there accommodation nearby? ”
Of course, you can find here place to sleep close to Malasaña.